CBD tea is just another of the innovative ways to ingest CBD. Unlike the name of the blog, it does not get you “high”! Just like other types of CBD, it can provide numerous health benefits and induce relaxation and general wellbeing. A cup of tea, herbal or classic English Breakfast, is often used by many to promote mindfulness and bring a cosy sense of warmth into the day and the addition of CBD can be the cherry on top!

As supported by numerous scientific studies, CBD has been proven to help with sleep disturbances, stress, anxiety and pain. While it is not technically a medicine, it can be used as an all natural support, just like many types of tea have for centuries!

CBD teas come in a wide range of flavours and formulas, produced by several reliable manufacturers, meaning that users have a choice of what would suit them the best. Here are a few examples of teas that can be infused with CBD and what they might help with:

  • Green tea – an antioxidant
  • Camomile tea – promotes restful sleep
  • Ginger/liquorice root – aids digestion
  • Peppermint – soothes upset stomachs
  • Rooibos – benefits bone health

The addition of CBD to all of these teas, can give the added benefits of calmness and relaxation, and can be a great form of self-care to round off a stressful day.

As always, it’s best to consult your doctor first before trying CBD to help with any health issues, whilst it is an all-natural remedy, you may not be recommended to use it. Most importantly always make sure you buy from a reputable vendor who display all the correct information on the label and use 3rd party testing!